Eighth European stopover : Malta
After Athens, The Arch made a stopover in Malta to meet the Embassy which, for the occasion, organized a conference between experts about ecological issues in the Mediterranean.
The Arch was honored to be received at the Residence of France for this very enriching time of exchange, surrounded by about fifty participants.

Alan Deidun, Oceans Ambassador for Malta presented the European strategy for the protection of the oceans for the period 2021-2023 supported by the results of its research project “deep-see” whose objective is to reduce the concentration of microplastics in Mediterranean waters.
Then, Malek Smaoui, representative of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), spoke about the strategy put in place to reduce marine pollution from ships in the Mediterranean. A strategy, resulting from the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution, signed by 21 States, which includes both prevention, preparation and solutions to deal with this problem.