The Arch intends to share the 100 winning solutions for the planet with everyone, starting with the younger generation!

The weekly package for future sailors

Francis Joyon

In partnership with the association “Le Français, Témoin des Pôles”, a weekly “package” will be sent by mail once a week, from April 3 to June 5, to about 16,000 students.

This program has been designed for classes from CE2 to CM2 but is also suitable for all those interested in the sea and the ecological transition!

The educational program tells the story of the epic Tour of Europe carried out with the Maxi Trimaran IDEC Sport and its skipper Francis Joyon, who are going to meet 100 solutions for the planet.

In each package, there will be elements on : 
– the boat and its route (geography lesson on the countries crossed)
– the country’s solutions and the climate issues they address 

Three videoconferences between the crew and the classes will be given during the Tour of Europe: 
– one in Copenhagen on March 31
– one in Naples on May 3
– one in Saint-Nazaire on May 31

Your drawings embarked around Europe on the fastest boat in the world!

At each stop, the general public is invited to visit the boat. In this context, we propose to the children passing by to draw “The world in 2050”.

These drawings are collected in a box (which they can also sign) and transported on board the Maxi Trimaran IDEC Sport.

This box is actually an old life raft that symbolizes the fact that it is still time to set out to save the planet together.

The drawings will be unveiled at the European Parliament on June 7 to send the message that children, in addition to being concerned, are mobilizing for the ecological transition.

Le colis

Hundreds of children have already signed the box and handed in a drawing that is being taken on the Tour of Europe.

Dessin sur l'événement de lancement

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. What does the next generation think about ecology? Answers in pictures.