Chrysalis / Earthwake Entreprise
Pyrolysis to transform plastics waste into fuel
Samuel Le Bihan,
François Danel,
Christofer Costes
Earthwake invented Chrysalis, an autonomous pyrolysis solution capable of transforming plastic waste into energy.
Three committed personalities and a major innovation
Faced with the scourge of plastic pollution, 11 million tons dumped in the oceans every year, Samuel Le Bihan, a committed actor, and François Danel, former director general of Action Contre La Faim, adopted a pragmatic approach: it is by giving value to plastic waste that they could encourage its collection. The two founders quickly surrounded themselves with an independent inventor, Christofer Costes. Christofer had developed a first prototype pyrolyzer. Indeed, pyrolysis is a chemical decomposition at very high temperatures without oxygen that allows the plastic to return to its original state: oil.
After several years of Research and Development, the Chrysalis solution, sized in four containers, was born. The process generates 65% diesel which can be used directly in engines. At the end of pyrolysis, 15% of gas is also produced, allowing the machine to be self-sufficient in energy. In addition to attracting developing countries that are heavily affected by plastic pollution, the Chrysalis invention has generated a great deal of interest in industrialized countries, including France.
“We all at Earthwake hope that this solution will be transitory, that concrete alternatives to plastics will be put in place and that clean energy will become the norm.”
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